In the present catalogue, you will find different answers from your necessities in racks, consoles, miniracks, accessories for metallic racks and cabinets.
If you are interested in some article that does not find in these pages, write us.
By this system you will be able to choose the appropriate models of our catalog looking them in a three-dimensional diagram calling graphic.
This graphic can be seen from different angles, either horizontal or vertical ones, changing the level of zoom, having special details and complete vision of the project.
The models design are located in a room with the real dimensions corresponding to the place where must be installed.
This room is a square pattern of 25 centimeters side, with the option to see the height and the walls as semi-transparent solids.
These dimensions can been modified during the course of the design , informing if there is no enough space for a certain object, staying out of the room or because another one is already stand in this site.
For the opening doors, you can check the correct moving, or if could not be opened in a completely way, showing a clear idea, when the project become a reality.
The color of each model, body of the rack, side panels and other accessories can be changed as your convenience .
The level of detail represented by different models is adjustable in five levels to the equipment speed, that is to say you can choose if the small perforations are represented or not, details do not concern to the project taking a lot of time of process.
The printing graphic included a label to complete the name of the customer, project and designer, storing this information.
When the desing is finished can be sent by e-mail to info@gabiart.com.ar.
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